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Protecting Our Lakes from Invasive Species

Rogues Gallery:  Get to know the invasive species threatening our lakes
2024 Invasive Species Committee Report
Download & print the "Most Unwanted Aquatic Invasive Plants" Poster

Rogues Gallery

Rogues Gallery of Maine's Invasives

Photos & information from the Lakes Environmental Association's website

Committee Report

HSPA Invasive Species Committee Report 2024

In the Spring of 2023, the Invasive Species Committee (Mike Gately, Chair, and Dave Rogers) learned from the Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) that continuing boat inspections between Labor Day and the second week of October is a smart investment, as boat traffic continues to be heavy and invasive plants continue to grow. Mike and Dave tried to cover boat inspections through volunteers last year. However, they found it to be difficult to find volunteers after Labor Day. This year, Mike and Dave propose adding paid boat inspections for five weekends beyond Labor Day. The LEA recruits and trains the inspectors, but we pay their salaries. We are pleased to report that Mike has successfully secured a 2024 grant from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of $3,000, up from $2,530 last year. That is a major accomplishment given the stiff competition for those funds. This year our proposed cost for expanded boat inspections, after the DEP grant, will be $5,510, an increase of $1,874. 

Your donation will help fund boat inspections at the Wabunaki Road boat launch. Last year, you donated $2.525. for which we thank you very much!
Our goal this year is to raise a total of $4,400, which will cover the additional $1,824 in inspection fees.
Please donate to our Invasive Species Fund.
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